Becoming a Member

MidTown Cleveland was founded by and for the people and organizations in the neighborhood, and has always been funded and supported by the neighborhood.


The financial contributions of our members not only sustain our organization but also allow us to continue to provide valuable services to people and organizations in MidTown and create a connected, vibrant community.

Size of FirmNon-Profit Recommended Minimum MembershipFor-Profit Recommended Minimum Membership

The Advantages of Membership Include:

  • Listing in the MidTown membership directory
  • Listing in the MidTown annual report
  • Complimentary use of the conference room space at MidTown’s offices
  • Ability to post job listings through MidTown’s e-news and social media
  • Invitations to members-only networking events and speakers

Membership helps support the work our organization does on behalf of the neighborhood, including:

  • Engaging daily with the development projects underway in MidTown to ensure they truly benefit our community and work to capitalize their success to attract more redevelopment.
  • Advocating and fundraising for key infrastructure projects to eliminate dark spots under our bridges, brighten key intersections, and resurface streets like Prospect Avenue.
  • Partnering with the Cleveland Police Third District (located in MidTown thanks to our efforts) to keep our neighborhood safe
  • Attracting housing and food amenities (and marketing the 20+ restaurants already in the district)
  • Recruiting dynamic businesses and nonprofits to MidTown to add to our vibrancy.
  • Connecting organizations in MidTown to the capital, workforce, and real estate resources they need to grow and thrive.

MidTown Cleveland welcomes memberships from any organizations, whether located in MidTown or not. MidTown’s membership structure is flexible to adapt to the size and capacity of the diverse organizations who make up our neighborhood. We recommend that new member organizations speak with a MidTown team or board member to determine the appropriate membership level. Many organizations also consult our prior year membership list to see what level their peer organizations have joined at. Organizations can make a membership pledge through the form on this page, and can pay online, by check, or by requesting an invoice.

To become a MidTown member, please fill out this form or contact us at 216-391-5080 x 100.

We look forward to seeing you in the Town.